Monday, January 22, 2007


What are Taste Trends?

Taste Trends are good indicators of the cultural movement of a society. In this blog, Food and Entertaining writer, Kathi Dameron will be exporing the direction of tastes in the areas of food, entertainment, design, fashion and the arts.

This blog envisions itself as being more than just a trendwatcher.

The vision here is to take the concept of trendwatching to the next level and beyond, through dialogue and inspired ideas.

We will go beyond simply stating something is "hot."

In Taste Trends, Kathi will share some of her own creative trendsetting inspirations, suggestions and resources to help others incorporate the best of the hot new trends, that they love, with panache. Again the reader will be encouraged and empowered to take the trend to a new level by giving it their very own unique twist.

Taste Trends offers readers a tasteful way to create delicious new memories.


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